Hello world! I am

Susana Pérez,
Frontend Developer_

I'm a passionate Junior Front-end developer currently calling Berlin my home.

Skills & Tools







Web design

Command line


I love exploring fresh and inventive ways to tackle design and development puzzles, and I'm eager to experiment with new ideas. I find joy in devising creative solutions for tricky problems, and my ultimate goal is to craft designs and user experiences that are both beautiful and practical.


I love to learn and stay up-to-date with the latest tech and trends in the industry. I'm a versatile team player and can adapt my approach to different projects and team structures. Whether it's learning new languages or adapting to new environments, I'm always up for a challenge.


I collaborate effectively with teams of developers, designers, project managers, and stakeholders to achieve the best results for the project. I welcome feedback and criticism, and I work to foster an inclusive and supportive atmosphere

Picture of Susana Pérez

About Me

Who is Susana?

A junior Front-End Developer with a passion for innovation and a creative spirit

Hey there! 👋🏻 As a musician, I never expected to find myself working for a tech start-up, let alone diving into the world of repositories, YAML, JSON files, and repository management. However, I found myself increasingly captivated by the tech industry, and I am now committed to becoming a highly skilled, versatile, and efficient front-end developer.

I am proud to hold a Bachelor's degree in Music and a Master's in Music Therapy, and currently pursuing my Professional Certification in Front-end development at Codecademy 🇺🇸.In my current home, Berlin 🇩🇪, I enjoy immersing myself in the world of tech through attending various meet-ups and workshops. I am also a dedicated gardener, and soon to be a dog mother.

I'm at my happiest when I'm creating and learning. I love getting lost in a coding challenge and obsessively finding the best solution. It's incredibly satisfying to see myself grow as a coder, knowing that I'm developing powerful tools that can reshape the world for the better. Currently, I'm working hard to finish my certification and build a rock-solid portfolio that showcases all the amazing things I've learned.


Personal Portfolio

This project showcases my skills and experience in creating beautiful, responsive, and user-friendly websites using the latest front-end technologies.


brief description of my projects Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Debitis est quod delectus. Praesentium iste ipsum eos saepe aut pariatur officiis natus amet. Excepturi id placeat delectus corrupti nostrum, et quam.


brief description of my projects Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Illo ex illum perspiciatis cupiditate, velit, error itaque quae reiciendis magni non amet impedit dolorum tempora eaque laboriosam molestiae natus neque nisi.


This project showcases my skills and experience in creating beautiful, responsive, and user-friendly websites using the latest front-end technologies


This project showcases my skills and experience in creating beautiful, responsive, and user-friendly websites using the latest front-end technologies


This project showcases my skills and experience in creating beautiful, responsive, and user-friendly websites using the latest front-end technologies


Let's connect!

Want to chat, grab my resume, or work on something great together? Drop me a line using the form below, and let's make it happen!

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